Helpful Links

American Seed Trade Association

The American Seed Trade Association: Promoting the research, development and movement of quality seed to meet the world’s demand for food, feed, fiber and fuel.

Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies

The Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies is dedicated to assisting clients in the production, identification, distribution and promotion of certified classes of seed and other crop propagation materials.


Association of American Seed Control Officials

The Association of American Seed Control Officials is an organization of seed regulatory officials from the United States and Canada. The Association was organized in 1949, from an outgrowth of regional meetings held in various parts of the United States. The members meet annually to discuss mutual concerns of seed law enforcement, to be updated on new developments in the seed industry, and to update the Recommended Uniform State Seed Law (RUSSL) which the organization developed and maintains as a “model” law for states and federal programs.

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

The Canadian Intellectual Property Office is the Canadian agency for copyrights, patents, trademarks and industrial designs.

The Organic Seed Finder

The purpose of this site is to allow organic seed vendors and potential customers to find one another.  The seed listings are dynamic and will change during the year to reflect new vendors and seed availability.


Public Intellectual Property Resource for Agriculture

Website from the American Seed Trade Association, dedicated to the benefits of plant breeding innovations.

Website dedicated to Roundup Ready Soybean Patent Expiration.

United States Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation provides information on safeguarding organizational secrets.


International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants was brought together to provide and promote a system of plant variety protection.

US Patent and Trademark Office

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the U.S. Federal agency for granting U.S. utility, plant and design patents as well as the registration of  trademarks.

US Plant Variety Protection Office

The US Plant Variety Protection Office administers the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA), issuing Certificates of Protection.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is an international repository of information related to international and country specific intellectual property information, policy, databases and other information.


The Benefits of Seed Innovations: What They Mean for Growers. August 2019

Despite pressures from many sources, the yields and quality associated with many vegetables continue to increase. In large part, it is due to the research and development efforts of breeding companies to create seed innovations that meet these challenges.

By breeding for new innovations, such as pest and disease-resistant varieties, ease of harvest and shipping, drought resistance, and enhanced nutrition and flavor, breeding companies provide growers with the tools they need to meet the constant, yet always-evolving pressures they face. However, with that investment, the grower is also seeing more patents, PVPs and contracts associated with innovations, especially in the vegetable industry.

John Schoenecker of HM CLAUSE will discuss the benefits that growers receive from new seed innovations, and James Weatherly of SIPA will discuss the various types of intellectual property that is often associated with new innovations.

Become a SIPA Member

The Seed Innovation and Protection Alliance is established to promote the understanding and value of seed innovations as well as to facilitate and promote the respect of intellectual property rights for the benefit of members, growers, industry associates, consumers and the agricultural community. To learn more, visit our SIPA Member Benefits & Terms on our website.

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